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Discover Wellness, Inc.
MC2 & Mastery Coaching
5450 E. Deer Valley Dr.
Unit #3196
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Office/Coaching 760-208-1895
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WHY Do We Sacrifice Ourselves?
OCTOBER 17, 2023 WHY Do We Sacrifice Ourselves? *This blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube* Dr. Kristina and I published a video recently about Chiropractic Martyrs. And, OMG, that opened a floodgate of questions and WHY so many of us SERVE others to the point […]
Need help focusing on YOUR WANTS?
OCTOBER 4, 2023 Need help focusing on YOUR WANTS?*This blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube* Wow-lots of responses to a recent article on building a business to permit the creation of a lifestyle that you want rather than settling for a lifestyle your current income […]
2 Kinds of Money People
SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 2 Kinds of Money People *This blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube* Most DC’s and most people for that matter, create a lifestyle based on what they earn. You earn X Dollars and you spend X Dollars. This is known by many […]
Ask More Questions!
SEPTEMBER 13, 2023 Ask More Questions!*This blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube* Just 2 days ago, with one Mastery Coaching client after another, who are the cream of the crop, it became clear to me that we as a profession talk too much and ask […]
Obligation VS Privilege Pt 2
AUGUST 7, 2023 Practical Application of Obligation VS Privilege *This blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube* As mentioned last time, I pray. My favorite is a derivitive of the Prayer of Jabez (Wilkiinson). The original prayer, to the best of my recollection states:“Oh, that you would […]
Obligation VS Privilege
JULY 31, 2023 The Concept of Obligation VS Privilege *This blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube* First, there is obligation and it is reflected in answers to the question, “do you go into your practice everyday because you need to or have to?” Do you […]
Have you seen more L3?
JULY 18, 2023 Have you seen more L3?*This blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube* In the first hour of clinic on the Island, I encountered 6 out of 18 patients with active involvement at L3. Normally L3 is not even a primary in the MC2 […]
How To Detoxify Your Brain
JULY 11, 2023 How To Detoxify Your Brain *This blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube* In the brain, a system called the glymphatic system functions to help the brain detoxify. To my knowledge, this system engages during moments of deep sleep. Without good sleep habits […]
Structure is Last
AUGUST 24, 2022 Function Determines StructureStructural Changes are a RESULTThis blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube A recent and intriguing question came up recently on the MC2 Facebook Forum and this was the gist of it, “Is there the possibility that the spinal cord has torsion without major […]
For You – On Me
AUGUST 13, 2022 Tongue TieDevelopmental IssueWhy and Why Now?This blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube Everyone that has staff wants them to be team players and all pull together for the advancement of chiropractic both in the offfice and in the community. Getting lay people […]
Tongue Tied?
AUGUST 13, 2022 Tongue TieDevelopmental IssueWhy and Why Now?This blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube I asked the question, “Are you seeing more tongue tie, lip tie or other developmental issues in babies lately?” on the MC2 Facebook Forum and there were lots of replies to the […]
Do You Have A Happiness Driven Practice?
AUGUST 09, 2022 Do You Have andDo You Want AHappiness Driven Practice?This blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube There are many PRACTICE DRIVERS. Practices can be driven by statistics, by purpose, by altruism and more. Yet, somewhere along the line, especially (in my experience) among […]
JULY 25, 2022 FREE MC2 INTRO VIDEO:This blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube Ask MORE questions! I’d love to help-just give me a shout. Lots of this and more on the MC2 Facebook Forum Ask to join. You, too, can have a more nerve system-cause oriented approach […]
Discipline and Adaptability
AUGUST 02, 2022 FREE MC2 INTRO VIDEO:Discipline and Adaptability!This blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube While there are sometimes common themes to a day’s coaching calls, this was never been more evident than yesterday. Easily 3/4 of my calls brought up and dealt with, in […]
Maximize your Output by Minimizing your Input
JULY 25, 2022 Maximize Your OutputMinimize Your InputPLUSBeta Testing Advanced ContentThis blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube Light touch vs osseous adjusting was discussed this past week. Dr. Dan and I discuss INTENT and RESULTS. Where does structural adjusting fit? What does your INNATE say? […]