The Concept of Obligation VS Privilege *This blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube* First, there is obligation and it is reflected in answers to the question, “do you go into your practice everyday because you need to or have to?” Do you go in because you want to or love to? Or, perhaps, do you go in because of your sense of purpose or dedication? Clearly, one could argue, some answers are “better” than others but all answers fit into the category of obligation. Obligation to self, to family, to patients, to the community, to purpose. And, that’s fine BUT what if we flip the script. What about looking at going into the practice as a privilege? A privilege to serve others, a privilege to contribute to the life and health of your community? A privilege to compensated for your loving service? Can you see the difference if you preamble your answer with, “I get to.” Next week, I’ll extrapolate on this with my modifications and answers to the prayer I pray multiple times every day…stay tuned. ___Clinical Skills Corner___ What’s a Patient Educator? I’ve advised Mastery Coaching clients for 2 decades now on the utility of expanding the role of the TECH CA into the more executive position of Patient Educator. The TECH CA is the natural choice for this position since the Patient Educator has, among numerous other responsibilities, conducting exams (as within the law as every state is different). The easiest way to think about this position is as a DC that does not or cannot adjust. If your role in your practice no longer included adjusting, what would your job description look like? For me, my two main roles were adjusting and educating so I’d become a patient education specialist. The DC always enjoys a 1:1 relationship with the practice member whereas the staff has a 1:many relationship with them. The PE (Patient Educator) also develops a 1:1 relationship due to the nature of their expanded interaction and responsibility with patients. The nearest parallel I can think of is the dental hygienist whose position doesn’t cost the dentist but is, rather, a revenue generating resource. Where the PE fits into the organization of the practice is in quality control whose effectiveness is measured by referrals and retention. Some job description responsibilities include (and yours can, of course, be different as the list is organic): 1. Takes New Patient calls 2. Conducts some or all of the consultation 3. Conducts some or all of the examination 4. Reviews office policies 5. Schedules the next 3 visits for the new patient 6. Prepares the new patient report (ROF) 7. Assists at or actually gives the New Patient orientation 8. Handles scheduling forward 9. Handles financial arrangements 10. Handles cancellations and missed appointments 11. Handles recall 12. Handles referrals 13. Handles the Family Exam Strategy 14. Involved in visit to visit patient education 15. Runs the Ritz Carlton staff meeting 16. Calls the new patient after their first adjustment 17. Is skilled in handling objections and complaints 18. Procures reviews and testimonials 19. Can be an Amiable-Analytical (not appropriate for the front desk) 20. Is NOT an Interrogator but is actually interested when asking questions And more. Can you imagine how productive, effective and efficient you could be if you had and trained a paraprofessional in these responsibilities? |
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How to Raise a Healthy Child in a Sick World by Dr. Kristina Stitcher:
A MUST READ for DC’s and their Communities

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense): R.F. Kennedy Jr.

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