If no, things are better and you’re on track to accomplish your objectives for 2014, great.

If yes, then why is the question because there are many reasons why a practice or business would plateau (just like there are many reasons why a patients health can plateau). Have you applied the same reasoning you would offer them to your current situation? Read more

Our long term subscribers know this but for all our new subscribers…Thanksgiving is my family’s TOP holiday of the year.  Imagine a holiday to remind us of all we have been blessed with and all we are grateful for.  This holiday always combined that tradition with both my son’s birthday as well as my Dad’s.  It was, is and will continue to be a tradition of reflection of both the ups and downs we have experienced and the recognition that those events, victories, losses and tragedies all provide the contract through which we can acknowledge all that we have to be grateful for.  So, in that spirit, please accept our best wishes for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving this year and every year.  We are grateful for you and all you do and are blessed to be part of your lives and have you be part of ours.



Inspired by Caroline, a brave and beautiful little girl with a very serious cancer, CureNotProfit was created by my son and daughter-in-law as a way of providing both Caroline and her pregnant mom and other families with serious medical and/or financial needs with free chiropractic care.  

Her mom has shared Caroline’s chiropractic story with many others at Rady’s Children’s Hospital in San Diego because Caroline’s doctors have noticed that she has done better than most her peers with the same type of cancer.  
My son Ian said, “we are brought to happy tears knowing that Caroline is now back in school, done with medical treatments, will be off all medications next month, and her beautiful hair is now much longer than mine!”  

Caroline and her mom continue to receive free care and they’re not alone. 

Let us pay you back big time for supporting this Non-Profit.  Here’s what you can do now and realize we will be sending more info in a few days.

Simply CLICK HERE  and make a tax deductible donation of $99 or more and you’ll be supporting this great cause and will receive our Practical Philosophy Video and our Managment Seminar materials (nearly $500 value) as our way of saying thanks.

Special Note to Mastery Coaching Clients: These materials will be sent to you shortly as a THANK YOU for your loyalty to Mastery Coaching as our gift to you.  Watch your email for the download links….but do feel free to contribute to this most worthy cause.


Have you heard of Google+ Live Hangouts?

Everyone who is doing live events is using them and it is a great way or maybe the only way to get all your patients to hear your orientation lectures.

In fact I used it during the planning seminar and it was a big hit.  The problem has always been it takes hours to learn how to do them, that is until now.

It turns out that Dr. Randi I Ross from Community Wellness Day and Dr. Alan wrote an entire E-Book that includes step by step videos, MP3s, flowcharts, transcription, and notes that will get you up and running in a matter of minutes, and they even have a special chapter on getting Google Reviews for your practice.

The amazing part is that they put the entire thing together for only $47.00.  I suggest everyone get it because the it is the easiest way for you to learn it.

 CLICK HERE to get started.


Mark Zuckerburg on why Automated Marketing Fails:

Here’s some crucial information you need to know about your Facebook page directly from Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerburg.

It is not ofter that Mark speaks directly to page owners so make sure you pay close attention.

Learn about Google+. Video and Social Media
CLICK HERE or use this link:



Booking Dr. Steve for your Association or Group:

Currently these are the weekends I am available to teach Clinical Mastery (MC2) and/or Business Mastery or when I am available for your group or association.

March 28-29

June 6-7

June 27-28

Please contact me directly if interested in planning a seminar with me.  If you prefer a date in the second half of 2015, email me [email protected]

Special Notice:  Canadian Subscribers

For our Canadian friends that want to continue to receive the PracticeTIP and have not already done so, please simply email me using the link below and opt it.

Canadians Please CLICK HERE To
Re-Subscribe to the PracticeTIP

Motivation Moment:

Here’s this week’s Motivational Moment.

Please share your favorite motivational quote, verse, prayer, or saying with me so I can share it with others.

 “I would more appropriately define mastery as the technical ability possible within the constraints of your particular existence.”
― Chris Matakas

Take a moment to send in your motivational quote so that I can share it here.
to send me an email.

 Resources: Click on any of the links below:

Ready for coaching?

Let’s Talk About It: CLICK HERE
Mastering Chiropractic With Certainty (MC2) Seminars: CLICK HERE
Mastering Chiropractic Online Store:  CLICK HERE
DC Practice Market:CLICK HERE
Garrett Gunderson Book: CLICK HERE

BackBone Pro:   CLICK HERE
Preferred Chiropractic Doctor (PCD):  CLICK HERE

Stay In Touch:

The PracticeTIP is a FREE Service.  If you find value in it, please refer colleagues by CLICKING HERE

Current Circulation:  1259 subscribers 

To your success,

Dr. Steve Hoffman

Copyright 2014-
All Rights Reserved –
Dr. Steve Hoffman and Mastering Chiropractic

Coaches Corner

What is dogma?

According to Ayn Rand, dogma is a set of beliefs accepted on faith; that is, without rational justification or against rational evidence. A dogma is a matter of blind faith.

Where do we see evidence of dogma in chiropractic…in the coaching Read more

Coaches Corner

A frequent coaching question and topic revolves around x-ray….

Should I?

Shouldn’t I?

If I do, do I take point of pain only?
Am I responsible for the full spine if I adjust Read more

I sent you any Announcements
So here are a few timely ones:

Last Chance for the Business Development Seminar on November 1…

First a few words…everyone has heard the cliche that if you fail to plan you are planning to fail…
Read more

One that I receive over and over and over again and a quick question about technic so let’s do the technic question first:

I have a question.  I have gotten really specific at adjusting the atlas.  I have noticed though that about 99% of the time the short leg switches when I flip the patients over prone.  

Read more

Coaches Corner-In a Minute but This Just In!  I Just Got This Email…

My partner, Dr. Alan, just sent me this email that said if I thought the Forbes article or the recent articles on stroke and cervical manipulation were bad for our public image….I just had to see this.  So I immediately clicked on the link he sent me and, well, you tell me:



It’s the 4th Quarter:
First Down or Touch Down?

Chiropractors continually play this game of First Down meaning they arbitrarily pick a goal (number) for their practice.  Then, every day or week that goes by that they don’t hit this arbitrary goal, they beat themselves up (mentally) with lots of negative self talk.

Somewhere down the line if they hit this arbitrary goal, there’s no big celebration…no little dance…nothing except then setting a new arbitrary goal that they can once again beat themselves up over every time they don’t make it.

This game of First Downs is in direct contradiction to the Law of Attraction in that what you are constantly telling yourself (and your staff) is that you are lacking.

And, no one ever won a football game by scoring the most first downs….you win by getting into the end zone.  The problem is that most chiropractors don’t know where their End Zone is nor where they are on the playing field.  Those two pieces missing and the game becomes almost impossible to win.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

What do we know?  Outcomes are driven by actions and actions and we withhold action due to a perceived lack of skill and, for most docs, that missing skill set is business acumen.

What should be clear at this point is that the Annual Business Development Planning Seminar is unlike any other experience you have had in chiropractic before and there are reasons for that.

  1. Our model is based on delivering business development.
  2. We understand that it is YOU and not the strategy that propels your growth
    so YOU are important to us!
  3. If we grow your WHY, the how is easy.
  4. While we will give you the steps, we know that it is how (or if) you implement
    them that determines your success.
  5. We believe in delivering this critical message with the 4 keys we used in practice
    namely high energy, high fun, over-delivering and making your day!

Combine these ingredients, and, at least in my mind, I could not imagine what could hold you back from taking the needed steps to experience the life and practice you have always told yourself you wanted.

Isn’t it time to take a stand for YOU?

Now Is YOUR Time to get where YOU want to go!

Enough excuses…time to act….

The public image issue, business skills and many other topics crucial to the success of your business in 2015 will be the central subject of this year’s Business Development Meeting known as the Annual Management Planning Seminar….details on
or simply CLICK HERE

Have a coaching question?  Ask…email me directly at [email protected]


Canadian Friends:  Thanks to the more than 150 of you that have responded to our request to OPT IN.

If you have not already done so and if you continue to find the PracticeTIPS valuable;  to continue to receive them, please simply email me using the link below and let me know.  You can, of course, always opt out.

Canadians Please CLICK HERE To
Re-Subscribe to the PracticeTIP


The Annual Business Development Seminar will be November 1 in San Diego.  Space is truly limited and you can find all the current details on:


MC2 Schedule available on http://mc2technic.com/home/

Motivation Moment:

Here’s this week’s Motivational Moment.

Please share your favorite motivational quote, verse, prayer, or saying with me so I can share it with others.

“The tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal.

The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.

– Benjamin Mays

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/c/christophe116203.html#GOUVWAdeqQyUgxhd.99

Take a moment to send in your motivational quote so that I can share it here.

to send me an email.

Click on any of the links below:

Ready for coaching?
Let’s Talk About It:

Mastering Chiropractic With Certainty (MC2) Seminars:

Mastering Chiropractic

Online Store:  CLICK HERE



DC Practice Market:

Garrett Gunderson Book:

BackBone Pro:   CLICK HERE


Preferred Chiropractic Doctor (PCD):  CLICK HERE


Stay In Touch:

The PracticeTIP is a FREE Service.  If you find value in it, please refer colleagues by CLICKING HERE

Current Circulation:  

1247 subscribers 

 To your success,

Dr. Steve Hoffman

 Copyright 2014-
All Rights Reserved –
Dr. Steve Hoffman and Mastering Chiropractic

Continuously Published Since 1998 by Dr. Steve Hoffman
with News You Can Use

Read more

Coaches Corner

I think we can agree that change is good.Even when it comes to evaluating a practice member’s response to care with the subluxation station, the only poor re-exam result is one that has not changed.  When we think about it, we realize that the public thinks that attempting to maintain the status quo makes sense…you know, the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mentality.
Surprisingly, many docs are averse to change because change involves giving up something to potentially gain something else…presumably of greater value.All of my coaching clients know that I am working on making changes to our existing coaching program so that the changes we make don’t come as a surprise to them.Further, to respect them and their loyalty, any changes we do make in the coaching program are completely optional for existing clients….they can get on board with whatever the new program is or they can keep what they have…their choice.
And, before any changes are made, I survey my clients to find out what they like best, find what is the most useful and want they want more of….as well as what they do not feel is as valuable as it could be.  This way, any changes that we do propose will both be no surprise and hopefully, be welcome by the majority of clients.  You see….I think change is good…..surprise, not so much.
I tell you this about our coaching program because it is also the way I ran my practice and I encourage you to also consider surveying your practice members about how you can be of even greater service to them.  If you want to make a change in your office hours, why not find out what the majority of your practice members would prefer first? Common sense, right?Or,“Our fees are going up…But yours don’t have to.  Make sure you speak with the doctor before November 1″
In this decade, we must be transparent and authentic.Tell people what you want and offer them the possibility of going along with your changes or keeping what they have. Change is necessary and when fully thought out (more on that in a moment) and agreement is sought on the anticipated changes, then there is no surprise and no upset.
Invoking change is simply following the SuccessFormula:
  1. Get a clear picture of what you want the outcome to look like.
  2. Determine what skills or abilities will be needed to create that outcome.
  3. Ask yourself and others why the changes you are making are important to you and them.
  4. Do you have the resources to make this change take place?
  5. What’s your plan for implementation?
If you follow this formula and involve your audience, the likelihood for change is good and the likelihood for a surprise that people feel negative about is minimized.

Have a coaching question?  Ask…email me directly at [email protected]

Thanks for your Subscriptions
Check This Out:

The HealthTIP of the Week Patient Newsletter:

Get it for 2 months free when you subscribe with a 100% money back guarantee if you choose to cancel your subscription in the first 2 months.  The order form and details are available by CLICKING HERE.And, get the Spinal Series for Free with Your Subscription…Yours To Keep Either Way!



Canadian Friends:  Thanks to the more than 150 of you that have responded to our request to OPT IN.

If you have not already done so and if you continue to find the PracticeTIPS valuable;  to continue to receive them, please simply email me using the link below and let me know.  You can, of course, always opt out.

Canadians Please CLICK HERE To
Re-Subscribe to the PracticeTIP


The MC2 Pediatric Wellness Seminar-Coming Soon:
Growing Your Child Healthy From the Start will be a 20 hour intensive in San Diego on October 10-12.  



 #2 – The Annual Business Development Seminar will be November 1 in San Diego.  Space is truly limited and you can find all the current details on:


MC2 Schedule available on http://mc2technic.com/home/

Motivation Moment:

Here’s this week’s Motivational Moment.

Please share your favorite motivational quote, verse, prayer, or saying with me so I can share it with others.

When you are disappointed through one door…

God blesses you through another door.

– Terry Mark

Take a moment to send in your motivational quote so that I can share it here.
to send me an email.

Click on any of the links below:

Ready for coaching?
Let’s Talk About It:

Mastering Chiropractic With Certainty (MC2) Seminars:

Mastering Chiropractic

Online Store:  CLICK HERE



DC Practice Market:

Garrett Gunderson Book:

BackBone Pro:   CLICK HERE


Preferred Chiropractic Doctor (PCD):  CLICK HERE


Stay In Touch:

The PracticeTIP is a FREE Service.  If you find value in it, please refer colleagues by CLICKING HERE

Current Circulation:  

1247 subscribers 

 To your success,

Dr. Steve Hoffman

 Copyright 2014-
All Rights Reserved –
Dr. Steve Hoffman and Mastering Chiropractic

Continuously Published Since 1998 by Dr. Steve Hoffman
with News You Can Use

Coaches Corner

Grass Roots and Chiropractic Trends

This article could fit into either the Coaching Corner or Marketing but the topic is so important and the timeliness of it so critical, that its topic designation is irrelevant.
It will come to no surprise to our readers that the topic of a grass roots movement should fit within the concept of trends to mark its time as NOW.

Grass-roots activism in the United States has generally been directed at correcting problems, abuses, and issues that a large number of people believe are not being addressed by the powers that be.Different movements have used different strategies.

Among these movements, going back to the 1930’s is labor activism.  Swinging forward 40 years we find Earth Day which was the beginning of a movement that continues to this day.

What does this have to do with chiropractic?  Well, in the 1930’s BJ sparked a grass roots movement to travel “the hiways and byways” and airwaves bringing the message of chiropractic.  He spoke with, to and for chiropractors but the message was for the public…not the chiropractor.  In the late 60’s and early 70’s we saw a movement spearheaded by todays profession’s icons, namely Gold, Sigafoose, Flesia, Riekeman, Williams, Parker and Gelardi among many others to again bring the chiropractic message to the public.

In the past decade we have seen the proliferation of philosophy groups within the profession and that is a good thing.  It will be an even better thing if we use those groups to spawn public and patient centered groups to communicate the message of chiropractic.

It’s time for mobilization…not of chiropractors speaking to other chiropractors but for chiropractors to be speaking to the public.If we, as a profession won’t do it, who will?

If you, as a practitioner won’t do it, who will?

I can’t tell you how many docs I speak to that all have the same lament…ultimately the lament of every failed business which is…

“There were so many things we could have done, we just didn’t do them”

How many times can I hear that the public “just doesn’t get it” before I scream that they don’t get it because we’re not communicating it.  And yet….

I know docs have their hands full so what’s the answer?

What’s your answer?

What can be done?

This and many other topics crucial to the success of your business in 2015 will be the central subject of this year’s Business Development Meet known as the Annual Management Planning Seminar….details on

or simply CLICK HERE

Have a coaching question?  Ask…email me directly at [email protected]

Thanks for your Subscriptions

The HealthTIP of the Week Patient Newsletter:

Get it for 2 months free when you subscribe with a 100% money back guarantee if you choose to cancel your subscription in the first 2 months.  The order form and details are available by CLICKING HERE.And, get the Spinal Series for Free with Your Subscription…Yours To Keep Either Way!



Canadian Friends:  Thanks to the more than 150 of you that have responded to our request to OPT IN.

If you have not already done so and if you continue to find the PracticeTIPS valuable;  to continue to receive them, please simply email me using the link below and let me know.  You can, of course, always opt out.

Canadians Please CLICK HERE To
Re-Subscribe to the PracticeTIP


The MC2 Pediatric Wellness Seminar-Coming Soon:
Growing Your Child Healthy From the Start will be a 20 hour intensive in San Diego on October 10-12.  



 #2 – The Annual Business Development Seminar will be November 1 in San Diego.  Space is truly limited and you can find all the current details on:


MC2 Schedule available on http://mc2technic.com/home/

Motivation Moment:

Here’s this week’s Motivational Moment.

Please share your favorite motivational quote, verse, prayer, or saying with me so I can share it with others.

“There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way.”

Christopher Morley

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/c/christophe116203.html#GOUVWAdeqQyUgxhd.99

Take a moment to send in your motivational quote so that I can share it here.

to send me an email.

Click on any of the links below:

Ready for coaching?
Let’s Talk About It:

Mastering Chiropractic With Certainty (MC2) Seminars:

Mastering Chiropractic

Online Store:  CLICK HERE



DC Practice Market:

Garrett Gunderson Book:

BackBone Pro:   CLICK HERE


Preferred Chiropractic Doctor (PCD):  CLICK HERE


Stay In Touch:

The PracticeTIP is a FREE Service.  If you find value in it, please refer colleagues by CLICKING HERE

Current Circulation:  

1247 subscribers 

 To your success,

Dr. Steve Hoffman

 Copyright 2014-
All Rights Reserved –
Dr. Steve Hoffman and Mastering Chiropractic

Continuously Published Since 1998 by Dr. Steve Hoffman
with News You Can Use

Read more

Coaches Corner

They who?  Your current and prospective patients.

You tell them the story.  You tell them what they have to gain.  You tell them how important their life and health is and they tell you “NO” or, worse yet, they make excuses.

Are you making the same ones they make?  Better yet, do you realize how, by you making these excuses, you actually attract people that make them?  This is the age old concept of contradictions.  If you would say “no” to you, how can you expect others to say “yes” to you.

Reality Check Please…

I don’t have the time
Don’t you wonder when the patient will find the time to make their health a priority?  Do you point out to them that it actually takes less time and energy to grow their health than it does to overcome a health issue?

I can’t tell you how many times the light bulb lights up over a doctor’s head when I point out to them that they spend way too much time working IN their business and way too little time working ON their business.  After all, your business is the vehicle that allows your practice to happen!

If you don’t make time for your business, you will spend all of your time working in it…it doesn’t have to be that way.

I’m overwhelmed with stuff to do now

This is really the same issue.  If the patient doesn’t invest the time to grow their health, where will they find the time to try to resolve a problem?  Overwhelm is simply too many starts and not enough completions.

I get it…you’re full.  Do you  know how many times this is one of the first subjects I discuss with a new client.  On one hand, everyone wants MORE and on the other hand, I hear they’re FULL or overwhelmed.  Overwhelm is almost always a time management issue and an inability to prioritize what is really important.  On the other hand, doing what you say you will do is how you grow your personal power.  These are basics we will definitely look at at the Planning Seminar.

By the way, don’t you think the stress of overwhelm keeps both you and your practice members from reaching your fullest potential?  And, just look at what you’re feeding your subconscious (your Innate).

They just don’t “get it”
Why would they?  They’ve spent their lives in an allopathic model and, when they break down, they seek solutions to their problems.  When this doesn’t work, they eventually turn to us and, instead of looking for an “un”used solution to their problem, we focus on finding the cause of their malfunction and breakdown.  In so doing, we give them a unique opportunity to actually see their health turn around in a positive way.

Your turn.  I get this from prospective coaching clients all the time…looking for solutions to problems that they’ve been unable to solve on their own or with their current coach.  Imagine if, instead of looking for solutions, they sought to know the cause of their business and practice issues?

You have to admit…it just makes more sense.

I’m not ready yet
This is the classic perfectionist EXCUSE.  The problem is that you have likely accepted it as true.  No one gets ready by waiting until they’re ready just like no one improves while they’re waiting to get better.  It is also a classic public mindset.  Successful (and healthy) people are proactive and take action NOW and then refine it by doing not by waiting.

I’m inviting you to do your PLANNING with me.  Wouldn’t you love to know where your business will be by this time next year?

It’s too late to make arrangements
If you continue to procrastinate, that WILL be true.  At the moment, there is still room for you.  At this moment there are just 5 seats left for the Business Development Intensive. That won’t last much longer so do what you would want your public to do….GET IN THE GAME NOW!

It really is time for you to make a decision! 

Let me be your guide to developing the business, practice and life you want.  Invest just one day with me and maybe a few hours at my house the next day.  I promise it will be the most valuable thing you can do for your business this year.  

Enough excuses…time to act….

Topics crucial to the success of your business in 2015 will be the central subject of this year’s Business Development Meeting known as the Annual Management Planning Seminar….details on
or simply CLICK HERE

Have a coaching question?  Ask…email me directly at [email protected]


Three Brief Announcments:

1 – Like our New Page:  Chiropractic Mastery.  CLICK HERE or go to https://www.facebook.com/chiropracticmastery?notif_t=page_new_likes

2 – Would you like  the likes of Pat Gentempo, Fab Mancini, Chris Zaino. Gerry Clum, Dan Yachter, Natalie Beauchamp and other “heavy hitters” in chiropractic to speak to your public?  If so, check out our grass roots outreach.  CLICK HERE or visit us on http://aboutrealhealth.com/summit/

3 – Join ChiroSecure’s Live Event with Dr. Stu Hoffman

as he unravels Informed Consent in response to the latest
attack on Chiropractic.  

WHO SHOULD ATTEND:  Every chiropractor regardless of technique used

WHEN: October 21st 2014 2:00 PM EST

WHERE: http://www.chirosecure.com/live-events/

No cost or opt-in required.

Please Note:  All Attendees will receive the White Paper
The “New  View” supported by population studies involving
over 100 million person/years that demonstrate no greater
likelihood of a person presenting for health care to their primary medical provider or their chiropractor with neck pain and/or headache developing a stroke. 


Canadian Friends:  Thanks to the more than 150 of you that have responded to our request to OPT IN.

If you have not already done so and if you continue to find the PracticeTIPS valuable;  to continue to receive them, please simply email me using the link below and let me know.  You can, of course, always opt out.

Canadians Please CLICK HERE To
Re-Subscribe to the PracticeTIP


The Annual Business Development Seminar will be November 1 in San Diego.  Space is truly limited and you can find all the current details on:


MC2 Schedule available on http://mc2technic.com/home/


Motivation Moment:

Here’s this week’s Motivational Moment.

Please share your favorite motivational quote, verse, prayer, or saying with me so I can share it with others.

Nothing is ever lost in this adventure of all adventures.

The lessons and discoveries of every single life, no matter how large or small, difficult or easy, are added to the whole.

Like stones in the base of a pyramid, they permanently raise and forever support every manner of adventure that follows.

And so it is that the hearts of those who came first continue to beat in all subsequent generations forevermore.

~messages from the universe

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/c/christophe116203.html#GOUVWAdeqQyUgxhd.99

Take a moment to send in your motivational quote so that I can share it here.

to send me an email.

Click on any of the links below:

Ready for coaching?
Let’s Talk About It:

Mastering Chiropractic With Certainty (MC2) Seminars:

Mastering Chiropractic

Online Store:  CLICK HERE



DC Practice Market:

Garrett Gunderson Book:

BackBone Pro:   CLICK HERE


Preferred Chiropractic Doctor (PCD):  CLICK HERE

Stay In Touch:

The PracticeTIP is a FREE Service.  If you find value in it, please refer colleagues by CLICKING HERE

Current Circulation:  

1247 subscribers 

 To your success,

Dr. Steve Hoffman

 Copyright 2014-
All Rights Reserved –
Dr. Steve Hoffman and Mastering Chiropractic

Continuously Published Since 1998 by Dr. Steve Hoffman
with News You Can Use

Read more