February 2022
TRT and MC2
This blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube
MC2 (Mastering Chiropractic with Certainty) is built on TRT and Upper Cervical engines. MC2 and TRT both look at areas of dural attachment as primaries. Both can be done by hand or Instrument. Both Dr. Holder and I, after co-teaching in New Mexico a 2 decades ago, agree that DC’s that are exposed to both technics invariably have a better depth of understanding and application than those that study one or the other.

After two weeks of applying TRT in my upper cervical and full spine practice, I found that the overwhelming majority of people checked atlas clear prone with TRT but absolutely not clear when checking them in a standard upper cervical supine analysis. And thats when the first major evolutionary shift occurred.

By first checking and clearing the upper cervical area and then TRT analysis, I found I needed to do much less. Just 91% of the people I adjusted on a given day needed to be adjusted in two areas or less. In the process of doing less and doing different to my patients from visit to visit, I found that my assessment, though both supine and prone, became a more efficient approach for me.

Many non-linear approaches find something to do to a person on every visit due to an absence of clear starting and ending points. I define non-linear differently. A vitalistic definition would be that input does not equal output. By establishing clear starting and ending points, I often find that nothing needs to be done on a visit and decided that that was the best indicator to alter a care program. I also found that, once the UC spine is clear, the Derifield leg check showed distortion of the dura in either a vertical (flexion-extension) or horizontal (rotational) plane.

In summary,

  1. MC2 accesses and adjusts (when needed) the upper cervical spine first.
  2. I expect my patients to be balanced with 3 or fewer adjustments on a visit.
  3. MC2 teaches two primary indicators prone with one anomaly.
  4. MC2 introduces and uses a procedure known as bio-toning to determine a precise contact point and line of drive for every adjustment.

If you want to speak with someone who sees more in you than you might see in yourself, schedule a complimentary call using my calendal link HERE
Current Seminar Schedule: LEARNING MC2 is a priority if YOU want to know more about how the neural-dural
subluxation causes the vertebral subluxation. YOU love the idea that its not how much you do to a
patient but how much you do for them. YOU can embrace the concept of less is more. YOU want to be more honoring to your and the patient’s body.

Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube

While there are certainly other differences, my hope is that those interested in finding out more will both visit the https://chiropracticmastery.com/ website and join us either at an upcoming live seminar or on video (available on the website).

Dr. Steve Hoffman * 760-208-1895 * [email protected]