MARCH 31, 2022 
Simplicity on the far side of Complexity

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Simplicity on the far side of Complexity

___Your Practice and Your Business___
Sometimes, we over-think things. This past week Dr. Dan mentioned that he’d seen 
a lot of down-torquing into the spine on both sides. He wasn’t sure what to make of the pattern and so we hopped on a call.
Turns out, and you’ll see this in the video, he was describing a pattern but was also way over-thinking it. The first few minutes discuss the fact that torque always is towards the spine but sometimes it’s clockwise and sometimes counter-clockwise.

We resolve this fairly quickly and its presented here so you can also give some thought to patterns that may be presenting themselves. I created a TORQUE FIELD MAP but suggest you do the research in your own practice.

By way of example only: If you find clockwise torque going up the body on the left, you will also find counter-clockwise torque going up the body on the right. And, of course, visa versa. If you find counter-clockwise going lateral to medial on the left, you will find clockwise torque going lateral to medial on the right.
If this is making sense to you, whether you are seeing this in practice or not yet, jump into the conversation I had with Dr. Dan about this…

We also mention in the video that General Torque Fields are discussed in both LIVE Advanced MC2 modules and in the SYMPOSIUM video. Check the website for future MC2 programs with an ADVANCED module or simply get access to the Symposium video (available as a $200 upgrade to those who already have the MC2 video). Here’s the site link for more info:

Want a more nerve system-cause oriented approach to practice?
Take action…at the very least, ask questions!

Dr. Steve Hoffman
If you want to speak with someone who sees more in you than you might see in yourself, schedule a complimentary call using my calendal link HERE
Current Seminar Schedule: LEARNING MC2 is a priority if YOU want to know more about how the neural-dural
subluxation causes the vertebral subluxation. YOU love the idea that its not how much you do to a
patient but how much you do for them. YOU can embrace the concept of less is more. YOU want to be more honoring to your and the patient’s body.