4 Types of Adjustments *This blog post is sponsored by @AhliaYoga: Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube* There are at least four levels of care. Many practices offer different phases of care…often with different names. How about you? Almost everyone offers some form of initial care whether its called relief care, symptom care or condition care. We called it initial intensive care. After initial care came a strengthening and stabilizing phase. This is often referred to as rehabilitative care or preventive care. Once their system iss stabilized, health and progressive improvement hit a plateau. At the frequency of care they’re receiving and their lifestyle, the expectation was to maintain gains. I referred to this as maintenance care. If any care was offered beyond maintenance, it was designed to help move the person off the plateau into spiraling up levels of wellness. We called this phase Health Development. So, what is the difference between a Regular Adjustment, a Preventative Adjustment, a Maintenance Adjustment and a Wellness Adjustment? If you offer different levels or phases of care and the adjustments are all just the same, what are you really suggesting to your people? Are your words and your actions congruent? And, while many practices offer different phases of care…often with different names, what differentiates one adjustment from another? Based on the most common levels of care, what’s the difference between a Regular Adjustment, a Preventative Adjustment, a Maintenance Adjustment and a Wellness Adjustment? If you offer different levels or phases of care and the adjustments are all just the same, what are you really suggesting to your people? Are your words and your actions congruent? Join Dr. Kristina and I as we break it down for you. |
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___Business and Financial CERTAINTY Skills Corner___
We’ve spent decades helping docs with personal, practice and business development. Literally everyone WANTED practice development. They also understood and accepted personal development as equally important. But, no matter what I did, whether online seminars, recorded business development materials or even live business development seminars, docs appreciated it in the moment but could/would not wrap their arms around business development being the vehicle to accomplish their vision!
I think I’ve heard every example of “I love the patients but I hate the business” even after recognizing the business is the vehicle that makes the practice happen. The problem is that while you can do many things by the seat of your pants, business development is not one of those things.
An early MC2 adopter (took it while at Palmer) has created a legendary practice producing over $5 Million in revenue per year and it took him just a few years to do it. Josiah Fitzsimmons understands business. So much so that he taught a section of the SYMPOSIUM on Tonal Business. It, in and of itself, makes the entire investment in the SYMPOSIUM worth it.
For now, and through 2024, our theme word will be CERTAINTY and this section has been officially renamed the
Business and Financial CERTAINTY Skills Corner
Be the architect of YOUR FUTURE. Ask me for the in depth
33 Questions specifically designed to help you.
Watch For New Book Suggestions in January
Interesting Business Advice…Different Profession … Just As Valuable

Transform your business from a cash eating monster
to a money making, profit generating MACHINE

How to Raise a Healthy Child in a Sick World by Dr. Kristina Stitcher:
A MUST READ for DC’s and their Communities

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense): R.F. Kennedy Jr.

Dr. Steve Hoffman
Enjoy My Island Home
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TULSA, OK | APRIL 6-7, 2024
KANSAS CITY, MO | MAY 18-19, 2024
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- YOU want to know more about how the neural-dural
subluxation causes the vertebral subluxation. - YOU love the idea that its not how much you do to a
patient but how much you do for them. - YOU can embrace the concept of less is more.
- YOU want to be more honoring to your and the patient’s body.
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1 Minute Video On Liability Insurance Misconceptions
And a Resource for your Practice Members:
Movement and mindfulness are so important during this time inside
Join Ahlia for her meditations and yoga practices on YouTube